This post is an basic guide on how to configure the src/config.ts
file. If you’ve already set it up or feel confident configuring it (a simple task with type hints appearing on hover), you can skip ahead to Advanced Configuration.
Configuring SITE
object is used to configure the basic information of your website, and its configuration options are as follows:
Options | Type | Description | Example |
website | http://${string} | https://${string} | Specifies the final deployed URL, which must start with http:// or https:// . It will be passed to the site config in Astro,used for generating canonical URLs, rss.xml and other features. | '' |
base | /${string} | Specifies the base path for your site, which must start with / . It wiil be passed to the base config in Astro, used when deploying to a subdirectory. | /my-site/ (for a site deployed to ) |
title | string | Specifies the site name for formatting the title in the frontmatter as <pageTitle> - <siteTitle> . | Maybe Use Your Name |
description | string | Specifies the default content for meta tags. | Introduce yourself |
author | string | Specifies your name for meta tags. | Your Name |
lang | string | Specifies the primary language of the document content. It must be a single ‘language tag’ in the format defined in RFC 5646: Tags for Identifying Languages (also known as BCP 47). | 'zh-Hant' (Chinese written using the Traditional Chinese script)'fr' (French) |
ogLocale | string | Specifies the page content’s language and region for better content display on social platforms. It must be in language_TERRITORY format, which you can find in Language-Territory Information. | 'zh_CN' 'fr_FR' |
Is Edited before Deploying!
Is Edited before Deploying!During development, leaving
empty is fine. But in production, you must set your deployed URL in this option for SEO-related elements like canonical URLs and social card URLs.
Configuring UI
The UI
object allows you to configure navigation, social links, page views, and more. Its configuration options are as follows:
Options | Type | Description | Example |
internalNavs | InternalNav[] | Configures internal navigation links. The configuration order matches the display order. | [ { path: '/blog', title: 'Blog', displayMode: 'textToIconOnMobile', text: 'Blog', icon: 'i-ri-article-line' }, ... ] |
socialLinks | SocialLink[] | Specifies external social links. The configuration order matches the display order. | [ { link: '', title: 'AntfuStyle on Github', displayMode: 'alwaysIcon', icon: 'i-uil-github-alt' }, ... ] |
NavBarLayout | NavBarLayout | Controls the layout of the navigation bar by defining components positioned on the left and right sides. Additionally, by configuring mergeOnMobile , you can control whether the ‘internalNavs’ and ‘socialLinks’ components are combined into a single navigation menu on mobile. | { left: [], right: ['internalNavs', 'socialLinks', 'searchButton', 'themeButton', 'rssLink'], mergeOnMobile: true } |
tabbedLayoutTabs | false | [Tab, Tab, ...Tab[]] | Enables tabs in the layout if set, defining title and path for each tab. If not using a tabbed layout, this can be set to false . | [ { title: 'Changelog', path: '/changelog' }, { title: 'AstroBlog', path: '/feeds' }, ...] |
maxGroupColumns | 2 | 3 | Sets the maximum number of columns to display in the group view (e.g., for /projects page), controlling the grid layout. | 3 |
showGroupItemColorOnHover | boolean | Determines whether group item icons display in color when hovered over. | false |
The properties of the InternalNav
configuration object are as follows:
Properties (* required) | Type | Description | Example |
path * | /${string} | Specifies the navigation path. It must start with / . | '/blog' 、'/blog/' |
title * | string | Sets the content displayed on hover for accessibility. | 'Blog' |
displayMode | 'alwaysText' | 'alwaysIcon' | 'textHiddenOnMobile' | 'iconHiddenOnMobile' | 'textToIconOnMobile' | Defines how the navigation item is displayed responsively. Different modes control the visibility of text or icon depending on the viewport size. | 'textToIconOnMobile' |
text | string | Sets the text displayed for the navigation item. Required for displayMode values 'alwaysText' , 'textHiddenOnMobile' , and 'textToIconOnMobile' . | 'Blog' |
icon | Icon | Sets the icon displayed for the navigation item. Required for displayMode values 'alwaysIcon' , 'iconHiddenOnMobile' , and 'textToIconOnMobile' . | 'i-ri-article-line' (The icon format follows the i-<collection>-<icon> or i-<collection>:<icon> format as per UnoCSS specs. See Icon Usage for details on setting up icons) |
Configuring FEATURES
object globally controls feature activation and configures options for each feature as follows:
Share Feature Configuration
Options | Type | Description | Example |
twitter | FeatureConfig<Mentioned> | Configures Twitter sharing. If enabled, adds a mention to the specified username. | [true, '@userName'] |
mastodon | FeatureConfig<Mentioned> | Configures Mastodon sharing. If enabled, adds a mention to the specified user. | [true, '[@userName@serverName]('] |
facebook | boolean | Controls whether to include Facebook for sharing. | true |
pinterest | boolean | Controls whether to include Pinterest for sharing. | true |
reddit | boolean | Controls whether to include Reddit for sharing. | true |
telegram | boolean | Controls whether to include Telegram for sharing. | true |
whatsapp | boolean | Controls whether to include WhatsApp for sharing. | true |
email | boolean | Controls whether to include Email for sharing. | true |
TOC Feature Configuration
Options | Type | Description | Example |
minHeadingLevel | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Sets the minimum heading level. Must be less than or equal to maxHeadingLevel . | 2 |
maxHeadingLevel | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Sets the maximum heading level. Must be greater than or equal to minHeadingLevel . | 4 |
displayPosition | 'left' | 'right' | Sets the position of TOC on the page (either on the left or right). | 'left' |
displayMode | 'always' | 'hover' | Controls whether the TOC is always visible or only appears when hovering. | 'hover' |
OG Image Feature Configuration
Options | Type | Description | Example |
authorOrBrand | string | Defines your name or brand name that will be displayed on the OG image. | 'Your name' |
fallbackTitle | string | Sets the fallback title for OG images. Used when the title in the frontmatter is missing or invalid. | 'Site Description' |
fallbackBgType | 'plum' | 'dot' | 'rose' |'particle' | Sets the fallback background for OG images. This value is only used for the fallback OG image and as the background when bgType is not specified. | 'plum' |
After making these changes, ensure the project runs smoothly in the browser before moving on to Advanced Configuration. 🧗♂️