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🎉 Release 1.0.0 ✨
· 6 min
🚀 Features
- nav:
Add navigation bar and page navigation (6ecfb4c)
- use json schema for blog configs
- add ToTopButton, Link, NavBar, and global.css
- modify main layout structure and styles
- configure to use presetIcon
- add safelist (unocss.config.ts) to handle runtime styles
- modify path alias (tsconfig.json), presetAttributify prefix (unocss.config.ts) settings, and env.d.ts
- add .editorconfig to control vscode tabs (to match “tabWidth”: 2 in prettier)
- Add BackLink (857dfb0)
- page:
Add /blog and /blog/[slug] pages (b1f9a7b)
- define postsSchema and configure blog collection
- add PostLayout, Categorizer, PostItem
- add utils
- update global style files
- modify Link
- update env.d.ts (run astro sync) & eslint @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference
Add /projects page (fe2df75)
- define projectsSchema and configure projects collection
- add ProjectGroup, WideLayout, data.json
- modify Categorizer (add needId, wide props)
- add slug, extractIconsStartingWithI, loadIconComponent utilities
- add projectIcons to safelist (unocss.config.ts)
- Add /changelog (77ed19f)
- theme:
Add light/dark mode with view transitions api (1fd5c3e)
- add ToggleTheme (listens to ‘astro’, ‘astro’)
- update ToTopButton (listens to ‘astro’)
- fix PostLayout styles
- update utils type declarations
- Support system dark/light mode responsiveness (including logic to control theme-color meta tag) & improve a11y for theme switch (7c0c027)
- style:
- Configure font, slide enter rule (b959be2)
- Add ‘op-transition’ utility for consistent opacity transitions & unify subtitle opacity in layouts (33177be)
- Adjust styles for code and details elements in prose ([43adf86]( astro-antfustyle-theme/commit/43adf86))
- Update styles for code, table, and callout elements in prose (54fbd0a)
- astro:
Add rehype-autolink-headings & shikiConfig.themes (2cc9c7a)
- configure rehype-autolink-headings plugin (add links to headings themselves)
- configure shiki code themes and adjust markdown.css
- modify presetAttributify.prefixedOnly to false (unocss.config.ts)
- Add rehype-external-links (46ae647)
Add rehype-callouts (3dde001)
- add callout styles (markdown.css)
- modify proseWrap (.prettierrc)
Enable experimental features in 4.14: contentLayer, contentIntellisense (5533699)
- add pageSchema and loader-based ‘pages’ collection
- test schema-driven frontmatter restrictions and suggestions in pages/blog/index.mdx
- Support for saving blog posts in nested directories (f649c9e)
- Support KaTeX Math in Markdown/MDX (c8c7ac3)
- Support subpath deployment (simply configure the base option) (bd9b059)
- bg:
Add ArtPlum & Bckground (dd6ee89)
- adjust the structure of PostLayout
- add types.ts, useRafFn, useWindowSize
Add Dots (30d1d99)
- Install p
- modify Background (only conditionally return components)
- modify Plum (constant names, component template)
Add Rose (f670c81)
- add getRandom, getRandomPercentage utilities
- rename Dots to Dot
- Add Particle (5cea2f0)
Modify Plum (formerly ArtPlum) (16a9b79)
- add pages..bgType custom option (types.ts)
- remove hooks/
- modify BaseLayout, Background, pages/index
- loading:
Add nprogress ([slug].astro) (af503e6)
- change component name
- filter out posts where data.draft is true
- header:
- Add NavTabs (f64f213)
Extract post header content into Header (6306117)
- add subtitle field to postsSchema
- self-closing div tags not supported in .md by default
- share:
Add ShareLink (834455f)
- add share functionality on the /blog/[slug] page
- add custom configuration for features.share
- modify BaseLayout, BackLink
- search:
Add SearchSwitch (0b1f647)
- install pagefind to enable searching posts
- add CSS variable
- add getUrl, setClickOutsideToClose utilities
- add vite.base (astro.config.ts), shortcuts-‘shadow-c’ (unocss.config.ts)
- toc:
Add Toc, TocItem (3557ab8)
- add toc on blog/[slug] and /projects pages (ensure frontmatter has higher priority than config.ts)
- add generateToc utilities
- modify the styling of the Toc (markdown.css)
- modify ToTopButton style (ensure alignment with the right-side layout’s toc and higher z-index than toc)
- add postSchema, projectsSchema fields (toc, share)
- add features.toc custom configuration
- change @apply to —uno: ”
- Implement smooth scrolling (12742dc)
- Support controlling TOC visibility on each page (2e0a324)
- schema:
Handle draft, data fields (b9cbc40)
- default draft to false.
- modify formatDate, /blog
- apply .toISOString() to data fields (StandardLayout)
- Update content zod schemas & add vscode snippets (‘projectData’, ‘streamData’) (4046fd8)
- code:
Configure astro-expressive-code integration (c9fc803)
- implement syntax highlighting, code copying, editor & terminal frames, line markers, word wrap, collapsible sections, line numbers
- install @expressive-code/plugin-collapsible-sections, @expressive-code/plugin-line-numbers
- disable Astro’s syntax highlight
- adjust built-in styles of Expressive Code
- image:
Support adding ‘figure’ and ‘a’ container to ‘img’ generated from Markdown syntax & support for custom img attrs (c16c84b)
- add custom remarkImageDirective plugin
- add “postinstall”: “pnpm add -D sharp” script
Support image zoom preview within posts (f06ce03)
- install medium-zoom and import the corresponding styles
- move the script from Head.astro to BaseLayout.astro
- adjust z-index
- og-image:
Support automatic generation of og image (based on svg template) (f2eb657)
- add custom remarkGenerateOgImage plugin
- modify and add ogImage field (schema.ts)
- obtain and pass remarkPluginFrontmatter.ogImage In /blog/[slug]
- modify ogImageURL assignment logic
- add getCurrentFormattedTime utilities
Support og image customization via html and css (ee030d4)
- update remark-generate-og-image plugin logic
- add markup.ts for ReactNode creation
- add base
- ts for background encoding
- og-image.png as the fallback
- Support lossless compression for auto-generated images & fix accidental HTML entity escaping in ‘satori-html’ (5b10047)
- customize:
Add features.ogImage config & support regenerating fallback og image (937f496)
- add customizable ogImage options: authorOrBrand, fallbackTitle, fallbackBgType
- modify the ogImageURL assignment logic
- update remark-generate-og-image plugin logic
- Refactor to UI configuration & add custom configurations (navBarLayout, showGroupItemColorOnHover, toc.minHeadingLevel, toc.maxHeadingLevel, toc.displayMode) (94dbb51)
- frontmatter:
- Add lastModified field, rename date to created (8cacb6f)
Add support for auto-calculating post reading time (84e7b33)
- rename duration to minutesRead, change to optional number type
- add custom remark-reading-time plugin
- update rendering logic for minutesRead
- Support for ogImage set to true to auto-generate OG image & add vscode snippets (‘pageFrontmatter’) (6af984e)
- share:
Support multiple shareable platforms (0399e10)
- fix the issue of rendering extra whitespace
- Support custom sharing of posts via Twitter, Mastodon, Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Telegram, WhatsApp, and Email (c4546e1)
- mdx:
Support for using MDX (62e3633)
- move pages/blog/index.astro to components/ and rename to PostList.astro as a reusable Astro component
- write pages/blog/index.mdx to replace pages/blog/index.astro
- snippet:
- Support for quickly inserting editable frontmatter for Markdown/MDX in VSCode (6a21fd9)
- directive:
Support markdown syntax in figcaption text for formatting (361bf00)
Support adding styled links in Markdown/MDX with :link
, including simplified syntax for linking to GitHub users/repos (eafbb23)
- modify remark-directive-sugar plugin (implemented ‘button-s’, ‘button-r’, ‘github-link’ style types)
- Support for customizable badge-like representations using
in Markdown/MDX & regular remark-directive usage (aa69a4e)
Support embedding videos in Markdown/MDX using the ::video directive (3610160)
- add custom remark-directive-sugar plugin
- modify error handling in the remark-image-container plugin
- logo:
Support custom logo (6f9517c)
- add styles for SVG animation
- refactor NavBar layout implementation
- pwa:
- Update icon files & add manifest.webmanifest support for PWA (c37ec77)
- seo:
Dynamically adjust OG display type & add Google JSON-LD Structured Data (ab2f1a4)
- support og as article for posts (when pubDate exists), otherwise use website
- rename created to pubDate and lastModified to lastModDate
- Integrate automatic generation of sitemap.xml and robots.txt during build (7f2d98c)
- rss:
- Support for visitors subscribing to the blog (bce7cee)
- footer:
- Update content, auto-fetch current year for copyright, improve a11y (aa16ca2)
- refactor:
- Adjust BaseLayout to keep footer at the viewport bottom (fa49945)
- a11y:
- Add role, aria-label, and aria-current attributes (ab82ecd)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- nav:
Resolve navigation path parsing errors post-build (48a2061)
- add ensureTrailingSlash utility (enforce trailing slashes on all paths)
- refactor layout templates
- search:
Make search results scrollable (with invisible scrollbar) (b608816)
- modify /* Scrollbar */ style (main.css)
- a11y:
- Improve accessibility (Sa11y audit) (84c1456)
- view:
- Prevent text overflow on /projects at 1024px width & rename custom option (UI.groupItemCols to UI.maxGroupColumns) (b78fad4)
- Resolve responsive issues in footer and other view adjustments (f1716aa)
- bg:
- Prevent premature p5 access by custom elements & support bgType set to false to disable background (2b0d8ba)
- directive:
- Correct inaccurate GITHUB_REPO_REGEXP regex matching & add .prettierignore (exclude *.md from being formatted by prettier) (c7ffe8f)
💅 Refactors
- customize:
- page:
Replace .astro with .mdx for generating page files (/feeds, /streams) (9eafc7f)
- refactor PostList to List, PostItem to ListItem (for list views)
- add ‘streams’, ‘feeds’, ‘changelog’ collections
- modify TabbedLayout
- add LAYOUTS custom configuration
- Install @ascorbic/feed-loader for external feeds
Replace .astro with .mdx for generating page files (/projects) (d9fb2c4)
- refactor ProjectGroup to GroupItem, Group (for group views)
- refactor pages/projects/index.astro to pages/projects.mdx
- modify WideLayout, projectsSchema
- add and implement groupItemCols custom configuration
Replace .astro with .mdx for generating page files (/blog、404) (ae7c044)
- refactor StandardLayout and blog/[slug] (cannot refactor to .mdx due to dynamic routing)
- adjust bgType fetching logic, use dirname when filenama is ‘index’ (remark-generate-og-image.ts)
- replace TabbedLayout with StandardLayout on blog/ page
- Add RenderPost for generating a single page by collectionType and slug (76afb21)
- bg:
- Refactor background (plum, dot, particle) as custom elements (30f377f)
🏡 Chore
- Init by create-astro (a5a5ead)
- Set up prettier for astro (2e36460)
- Set up eslint (flat) for ts, astro 1. init by ‘npm init @eslint/config@latest’ 2. disable formatting rules in eslint (64115a0)
- Lint staged (e5000ef)
- Tsconfig (4829f37)
- Configure unocss. (2b5e7b1)
- Change to npm & add .gitattributes (8e722bb)
- Change to pnpm & update deps (e19c95e)
- Refactor configuration structure (00ab263)
- Update deps & pnpm format & pnpm lint (bd4534f)
- Add workflows (ci, release, stale) & templates for PRs and issues (bd6016c)
- Adjust views & update CI workflow & use ‘vitepress’ for callouts theme (9f44e46)
- Organize CSS files & modify styles for headings under .prose (52ed632)
- Update homepage & README (1fec5cf)
- Update docs (bade804)
- Temporary update (WIP) (371bed3)
- Update docs (b78aca5)
- Add og images (8c582c3)
❤️ Contributors
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