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Recreating Current Pages

· 5 min

In the Astro AntfuStyle Theme, you can customize the /, /projects, /changelog, /streams, /feeds, and 404 pages. This post also covers creating or removing pages. For /releases and /prs, see Customizing GitHub Activity Pages.

Creating Pages#

In Project Structure, it is mentioned that the theme’s organizational strategy is to store all substantive content in the src/content directory, while the src/pages directory uses .mdx files to assemble content into structured, styled layouts.

Open any .mdx file in src/pages, and you’ll notice a similar structure: YAML frontmatter + imported Astro components + JSX with layout components nesting view components.

The theme defined all .mdx files in src/pages/ belong to the pages content collection. This is enabled by Astro’s Content Layer API, introduced in Astro 4.14, allowing content to exist outside src/content/.

The frontmatter fields for pages content collection are defined by schema: pageSchemain src/content/schema.ts as follows:

PropertyType (default)Description
titlestring ('')Sets the page title, formatted with SITE.title as <pageTitle> - <siteTitle> for metadata and automatic OG image generation. If undefined or empty, only <siteTitle> is displayed, and OG image generation is skipped.
subtitlestring ('')Provides a page subtitle. If provided, it will be displayed below the title. If not needed, leave the field as an empty string or delete it.
descriptionstring ('')Provides a brief description, used in meta tags for SEO and sharing purposes. If not needed, leave the field as an empty string or delete it, and the SITE.description will be used directly.
bgTypez.union([z.literal(false), z.enum(['plum', 'dot', 'rose', 'particle'])])
Specifies whether to apply a background on this page and select its type. If not needed, delete the field or set to false.
tocboolean (false)Controls whether the table of contents (TOC) is generated for the page.
ogImagez.union([z.string(), z.boolean()])
Specifies the Open Graph (OG) image for social media sharing. To auto-generate OG image, delete the field or set to true. To disable it, set the field to false. To use a custom image, provide the full filename from /public/og-images/.

The theme includes a VS Code snippet for auto-generating this frontmatter (located in .vscode/astro-antfustyle-theme.code-snippets). Type pageFrontmatter and press tab to insert it (tab completion is enabled in .vscode/settings.json).

These properties can be easily passed to layout and view components. If you need to modify anything, you only need to adjust the frontmatter.

By creating pages this way, you can manage metadata and control features across pages efficiently, making it easy to expand and maintain your site.

Tips for Creating a New Page

To create a new page, first review the layout components (src/layouts/) and view components (src/components/views/) in the theme. Ensure you understand their usage, including required props, and preview the rendering in the browser to select the most appropriate layout and view.

Import the BaseLayout component in every page and wrap it around your JSX.

When using the RenderPost component, ensure that collectionType and slug correspond to a directory and file in src/content/ (excluding the extension).

Updating Pages#

Homepage and 404 Page#

To update the homepage, open src/content/home/ and start writing the content you want to present.

To update the 404 page, you can directly edit src/pages/404.mdx.

No Frontmatter Needed for the home content collection

Since the home content collection doesn’t have a defined frontmatter type in src/content/config.ts, you don’t need to write any frontmatter. Just focus on the main content, and it should work fine.

/projects Page#

Open src/content/projects/data.json, delete the existing content, and use the following as a base:

"$schema": "../../../.astro/collections/projects.schema.json",
"projects": {
"Classification of Projects I": [
// your projects

The projects field type is Record<string, projectSchema[]>. projectSchema is defined as follows:

Property (* required)TypeDescription
name*stringName of the project to be displayed.
link*stringURL linking to the project page or repository.
desc*stringA brief description summarizing the project.
icon*IconIcon must be in the format i-<collection>-<icon> or i-<collection>:<icon> as per UnoCSS specs.

The theme also includes a code snippet for generating projectSchema. Type projectData to trigger it, then use tab to modify the values.

Finally, update the frontmatter in src/pages/projects.mdx.

/changelog Page#

To recreate the /changelog page, please follow the Adding New Posts. The content for the /changelog page, stored in the src/content/changelog/ directory, belongs to the changelog content collection. This collection also uses schema: postSchema for frontmatter types.

/streams Page#

Similarly to adding projects, open src/content/streams/data.json, delete the existing content, and use the following as a base:

"$schema": "../../../.astro/collections/streams.schema.json",
"streams": [
// your streams

The streams field type is streamSchema[]. streamSchema is defined as follows:

Property (* required)TypeDescription
title*stringSets the stream title.
pubDate*dateSpecifies the publication date. See supported formats here.
link*stringSpecifies the URL link to the stream.
radiobooleanIndicates whether the stream is a radio broadcast. If true, an icon will be added to the stream item in the list.
videobooleanIndicates whether the stream is a video broadcast. If true, an icon will be added to the stream item in the list.
platformstringSpecifies the platform where the stream is published.

As with projectSchema, you can use a code snippet to generate streamSchema by typing streamData.

Finally, update the frontmatter in src/pages/streams.mdx.

Auto-Generated Schema Files

projects.schema.json and streams.schema.json are auto-generated by Astro 4.13.0, offering autocompletion, validation, and other useful features in your editor. Learn more.

/feeds Page#

The /feeds page displays content fetched via @ascorbic/feed-loader. You can define an external data source (like RSS, RDF, or Atom feeds) for the feeds collection using the following:

import { feedLoader } from '@ascorbic/feed-loader'
const feeds = defineCollection({
loader: feedLoader({
url: '',
Utilizing Astro Loaders for Feed Integration

feedLoader is Astro loaders built with the Content Loader API, enabling data fetching from various sources as content collections. This API, introduced in Astro 4.14, became stable in Astro 5.

Removing Pages#

Using remove the /changelog page as an example:

import { glob } from 'astro/loaders'
import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content'
import { feedLoader } from '@ascorbic/feed-loader'
import { pageSchema, postSchema, projectsSchema, streamsSchema } from './schema'
// Define other collections...
const changelog = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: postSchema,
// Define other collections...
export const collections = { pages, blog, projects, changelog, streams, feeds }
export const UI: Ui = {
internalNavs: [
path: '/changelog',
title: 'Changelog',
displayMode: 'iconHiddenOnMobile',
icon: 'i-ri-draft-line',
tabbedLayoutTabs: [
{ title: 'Changelog', path: '/changelog' },
{ title: 'AstroBlog', path: '/feeds' },
{ title: 'AstroStreams', path: '/streams' },

Wrapping Up#

That’s all about customizing pages in this theme. Thanks for reading!

If you encounter any issues, find errors, or see opportunities for improvement, feel free to join the discussion or submit an issue or pull request. Your feedback is highly appreciated! ❤️