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Managing Image Assets

· 3 min

This post provides a brief guide on how to organize and use images in the Astro AntfuStyle Theme.

Supported Cases for Image Processing#

Astro supports processing images during the build phase via the Image Service API (Sharp is the default service), allowing actions like converting to webp, compressing, adding attributes, inferring dimensions to prevent CLS, lazy loading, and async decoding. However, this only applies in the following cases:

Images in Markdown Files#

It is recommended to store the local images used in the post under the src/assets/ directory, and create a subdirectory based on the post’s filename (e.g., images for src/content/blog/ stored in src/assets/your-post-file-name/), which will allow them to be optimized during Astro’s build process and make it easier to organize and maintain (this strategy can also apply to other static resources).

# Markdown Post
<!-- Local image stored in `src/assets/post-name/`, it wiil be processed and optimized by Astro, resulting in hashed filenames and output to the `_astro/` directory within `dist` -->
<!-- ✅ Use a relative file path -->
![Local image](../../assets/post-name/local-image.png)
<!-- ✅ Use import alias -->
![Local image](~/assets/post-name/local-image.png)
<!-- Image stored in `public/og-images/`, it wiil not be processed and optimized by Astro -->
<!-- ✅ Use the file path relative to public/ -->
![OG image](/public/og-images/og-image.png)
<!-- Remote image on another server, it wiil not be processed by Astro -->
<!-- ✅ Use the full URL of the image -->
![Remote image](
<!-- ❌ Using <img> tag won't work -->
<img src="../../assets/post-name/local-image.png" alt="Local image" />
<!-- ❌ Using <Image /> component won't work -->
<Image src="../../assets/post-name/local-image.png" alt="Local image" />

Images in MDX Files#

In addition to supporting the standard Markdown ![alt](src) syntax as demonstrated above, you can also use Astro’s <Image /> component and JSX <img /> tags in your .mdx files by importing both the component and your image.

# MDX Post
title: My Page title
import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
import rocket from '../assets/rocket.png';
// Local image stored in the the same folder
![Houston in the wild](houston.png)
// Local image stored in src/assets/
<Image src={rocket} alt="A rocketship in space." />
<img src={rocket.src} alt="A rocketship in space." />
![A rocketship in space](../assets/rocket.png)
// Image stored in public/images/
<Image src="/images/stars.png" alt="A starry night sky." />
<img src="/images/stars.png" alt="A starry night sky." />
![A starry night sky.](/images/stars.png)
// Remote image on another server
<Image src="" />
<img src="" />

Image Compression#

As mentioned, Astro can compress images from the src/ folder. However, for images in blog posts, especially those in public, it’s recommended to manually compress them to avoid performance issues. Useful tools include Tinify, Squoosh, and SVGO.

Wrapping Up#

I hope this post helps clarify image usage in Markdown/MDX within this theme. For anything not covered here, check out the Astro Images Docs .

If you encounter issues, find errors, or see opportunities for improvement, feel free to join the discussion or submit an issue or pull request. Your feedback is highly appreciated!

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