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Add New Posts

· 5 min

This post explains how to create new posts in the Astro AntfuStyle Theme and provides guidelines, tips, and tricks for writing posts.

Creating a New Post#

To create a new post, add a new .md or .mdx file in src/content/blog/ (see when to use MDX for enhanced Markdown features). Use a consistent naming scheme (lower-case, dashes instead of spaces), as the filename will be used as the path (slug).

You can organize posts directly under src/content/blog/ or in nested subdirectories (see “Astro Routing Docs” for more):

└── post-2
└── index.mdx
└── subdirectory
<!-- `` generates the page path `/blog/post-1` -->
<!-- `post-2/index.mdx` generates the page path `/blog/post-2` -->
<!-- `` in a subdirectory generates the page path `/blog/subdirectory/post-3` -->

Choosing Between Markdown and MDX#

Use Markdown for simple posts with minimal interaction. You can also embed HTML and UnoCSS directly in Markdown, e.g.:

Visit Astro AntfuStyle Theme on <a href="" target="_blank" class="inline-block ml-1 op-75"><span class="i-simple-icons-github"></span> GitHub</a>

Use MDX if:

MDX Support Limitations in RSS Generation

The theme automatically generates rss.xml via src/pages/rss.xml.js. When processing Including full post content, it uses the compiledContent() helper to retrieve and sanitize the rendered HTML.

However, this feature does not support MDX files, which may result in the items.content value not being generated as expected for posts written in .mdx files.

Editing Frontmatter#

All .md and .mdx files in the src/content/blog/ belong to the blog content collection.

Each post requires YAML frontmatter , which adds metadata at the top of Markdown/MDX files. The frontmatter fields for blog posts are defined by schema: postSchemain src/content/schema.ts as follows:

Property (* required)Type (Default Value)DescriptionExample内部会调用 Date 对象的 toISOString() 方法,返回的字符串总是以 UTC 为基础,即 “Zero time offset”(零时差),这意味着不论 Date 对象在创建时所基于的本地时区是什么,转换成的 ISO 8601 字符串都会表示为 UTC 时间。"2023-01-10T00:00:00.000Z""2023-01-10""1/10/23"

更多用法见:MDN- Date.parse() - Examples
minutesRead手动设置阅读所需时间(min);如果不设置,默认基于 reading-time 库自动计算并生成阅读时间;如果手动设置为 0,则不会在页面上显示出阅读时间
title被限制不超过 60 个字符,主要考虑两点:1. 超过这个字符限制会造成列表展示每个 post item 时出现换行影响布局;2. 该字段会被用于在社交平台上共享时显示,超过这个字符限制可能会造成在较小的屏幕上被截断,查看 Title Tag
description被限制为 50-160 个字符,这是考虑了 SERP 布局影响所建议的,查看 What Are Meta Descriptions and How to Write Them 获取更多信息;Title and description (excerpt) are important for search engine optimization (SEO) and thus AstroPaper encourages to include these in blog posts.
draft如果是 draft 提醒可以修改显示的文本或者可以显示但需要修改措辞?

The theme includes a VS Code snippet for auto-generating this frontmatter (located in .vscode/astro-antfustyle-theme.code-snippets). Type postFrontmatter and press tab to insert it (tab completion is enabled in .vscode/settings.json).

The Theme Supports Astro’s Intellisense in Content Files

Hovering over a property shows descriptions, and mismatches in types prompt warnings.

Formatting Post Titles

Auto-generated titles capitalize the first letter of each word. If you’ve tried editing the auto-generated frontmatter snippet, you’ll notice that the cursor reaches the title field last after tabbing through all others.

To correctly format titles according to The Chicago Manual of Style, you can use the Smart-Title-Case VS Code extension.

Writing the Post#

Once frontmatter is set, start writing your post!

To see how basic Markdown renders, refer to the ==“Markdown Syntax Guide”==. To explore how to use MDX to enhance your flexibility in writing posts, check the MDX Docs and MDX in Astro.

Regardless of whether you’re using Markdown or MDX, don’t miss out on the ==Markdown Extended Features== supported by this theme, including callouts (admonitions/alerts), fully-featured code blocks, image captions and links, video embeddings, styled GitHub links, and more.

Additionally, the title (set by the title property in the YAML frontmatter) is automatically rendered as an h1. You don’t need to include the title again in the post, and it’s recommended to start with h2 headings.

Excluding Frontmatter Title from Table of Contents

Note that even if you configure FEATURES.toc[1].minHeadingLevel in src/config.ts to include 1, the title set by the title property won’t be included in the auto-generated table of contents—it only includes h1 headings written in the Markdown/MDX content.

Wrapping Up#

This covers how to create a new post in the theme. After following these steps, you can preview your post in real-time at /blog/if-stored-in-subdirectory/your-post-name in your browser.

If you encounter issues, find errors, or see opportunities for improvement on this theme, feel free to join the discussion or submit an issue or pull request. Your feedback is highly appreciated!

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